For Foodprint LA, the Foodprint Project has teamed up with the Los Angeles Food Policy Council (convened by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa with the goal of creating a sustainable and equitable regional food system for Los Angeles) and Kullect (a new app that makes it easy and fun to organize and participate in mobile data collections), to learn more about what food Angelenos are buying, and where.
For more background on the project, click here.
If you’d like to join in, below is a quick guide to getting started and an expanding list of frequently asked questions. Please contact us if you have any other suggestions or ideas.
1. If you haven’t already, register at Kullect. You’ll need to provide your email address to receive an invitation to the service. We’ll also ask you to provide some basic demographic information. This is totally optional and it will never be associated with you and your email address, so if you don’t mind sharing, it will help us relate the data we collect to the larger demographic of Los Angeles.
2. Download the Kullect app. It’s free, and it works on Android and iPhone.
3. Open it up on your phone, and click on the little magnifying glass in the top right-hand corner. Type “Foodprint” into the box to find our Kullection.
4. Anytime you buy the particular food type we’re collecting data on (right now, it’s milk), pull out your phone, open Kullect, and hit contribute to add your purchase data to the big picture.
Sit tight and stay tuned! We’re asking about one food type at a time. For the next few days, it’s milk, but on August 3, we’ll email you to let you know the next food type. Also, by registering and not buying milk, you’re actually contributing interesting data about what percentage of Angelenos regularly purchase Oreo’s best friend.
Can I invite my friends, family, co-workers, and Facebook buddies to participate?
We’re so glad you asked! The answer is yes, please! The more Angelenos document their food purchases, the better understanding we’ll have of what the city’s foodscape really looks like. It doesn’t matter when people sign up: the more the merrier. Just send folks over to Kullectto receive their invitation to the service.
How do I take part if I don’t have an iPhone or Android?
You can contribute your data online at Survey Monkey. It’s not quite as cool, and we can’t collect your photo data, but it works!
What will happen to all the information you are collecting?
We’ll take the data (anonymized, of course), analyze it for patterns and insights, and create data visualizations — infographics, maps, and charts — that we will share online. We’re also happy to share the raw data (anonymized) with everyone who wants to understand the city’s foodscape a little bit better.
Thank you so much for helping us create the first crowd-sourced map of Los Angeles’ foodscape!